Sunday 17 January 2010

So far I have really enjoyed the black and white oldies we've been watching and seeing how silent films are just as effective as modern films in empathizing with their audience. Battleship Potemkin failed in this way. If I'm terribly honest, I can't remember anything of it. The only snippet I remember is the rotting meat because I had to close my eyes (there it was effective in provoking a strong emotion) but I've really tried to.....but I CANNOT remember anything other than that. I feel embarrassed because it sounds like I wasn't paying attention or something but I was not drawn to the story (if I had been I'd know what fact what did happen guys?) or impressed by acting or any other factor which would cure this complete black out!

Looking back on the week, however, it was good! An easy week to start the term off with but nevertheless letting us know we've got a lot of work to do! Been working on my script (with a bit of distress mind eg. “Oh my gosh, I can't think, I can't think! Wow, wait, that would be awesome.....for a feature. Oh man, oh man.” But I've got it under control and I'm enjoying it. I find the images come to me very fast when I feel comfortable with the idea of a character and now I'm just trying to hone them to fitting with the words I'm finding scribbled over a million post-its and memo sheets and flip pads and over Richard's (helpful) booklet!

Really looking forward to tomorrow – we'll be meeting Kim – who is the on the scriptwriting team for Coronation Street. Who knows what this class will generate?

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