Friday 7 May 2010

Who do you want to be your next Prime Minister?

It surprised me when I found out that this is the first time these Prime Ministerial Debates have ever been televised. Though the only reason I watched it was because it was on the channel when I switched it on.. and I kept it on which I really am glad I did.

I actually enjoyed and learned some snippets of new information which helped me decide who I voted for today. But between all the repeating and the snitching I had to concentrate on keeping track of what the question was really asking, and when the boys were actually doing a half baked attempt to actually answer the question, I had to wade through the high brow language too. There was little depth to most of their answers – Clegg mad e a dance and song about focussing on the people asking the questions and not detailing his plans. Tory denied making the cuts Labour said they would and vice versa. A lot of different people would be watching this and so I often felt too clever AND too stupid to understand what they were saying most of the time.

The debate is useful; it allowed me to judge how they defended their country and see if they had any sense of trustworthiness about them. However I have got most of my information, not from the horse’s mouth, but from the newspapers and by looking up their manifestos online.

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